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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Top 5: Comic Book Events

Hello Enthusiasts,

Today I will be listing off what I believe to be the top five events in Marvel and DC comics. These events involve (and often spread across) several different titles and usually have a decent amount of build up. Criteria wise, I use three for determination; impact on the universe, user friendliness, and how well written the story is. I won't be giving away too much of the stories below, just the necessary points.

5) DC's "Crisis on Infinite Earths"

If this list was based on impact alone, this one would be at the top, hands down. Everyone gets involved in this, stories open up across the universe, and (without giving away too much for those who haven't read it) at least two major heroes die within this event, thanks to the Anti-Monitor. However, it's at the bottom of the list because it definitely fails when it comes to user friendliness, as you will encounter a lot of lesser-known heroes here. Also, the writing can be a bit on-the-nose at times, but this is the oldest event listed, so it does get a bit of a pass.

4)Marvel's "Secret Invasion"

This event was fantastic, particularly  in one aspect; nothing was really revealed to the reader until the end. With so many stories including the reader in on the antagonists plan, it's nice to be kept in the dark like the heroes. We have no idea as we go through the story who is a Skrull and who isn't, which keeps us turning the pages. This one is well written and does spread across the universe, with a few effects from the invasion holding past the end of the event. It too can be a little deep for the casual reader, but not nearly to the level that number 5 is.

3)DC's "52"

52 weeks without the DC Trinity. No Batman, no Superman, and no Wonder Woman. You also get some really neat time travel, and a berserker of a Black Adam (more so than usual). There is also a great subplot where the mantle of The Question gets passed down, along with about a dozen other subplots. It can get convoluted, but most of the stories involve characters of moderate fame. It shines in that it is expertly written and really brings in the whole universe, though not exactly for one fight. More importantly are the lasting effects after the end of the event, which last some time, not the least of which is DC's never-ending  love of the number 52.

2)DC's "Infinite Crisis"

Writing-wise, I would put this as number 1. This story follows years after Crisis on Infinite Earths, and it has a lot going on. I surprisingly found all of the subplots incredibly interesting. This event is also where we are introduced the Superboy Prime as a villain, and what a villain he is. This story shares a lot with the crisis it follows, with several key characters dying and an all-star cast facing off in just a few different theaters of war. However, also like its predecessor, it can be difficult for the casual fan to pick up and read, though not nearly to the same extent.

1)Marvel's "Civil War"

This is not at the top of the because of the great film that Marvel released of the same name, as that had little to do with the actual comic. No, this one is at the top because it hits every note very well. This event was built up over a decent period of time, and nearly every title in Marvel got their own "Civil War" issue. This comic tackled the concern of vigilante justice, the choice people should have with their powers, and the idea of really standing up for what you think is best. An amazing cast of characters, almost all of whom are very well known by their audience. Not to mention the ramifications of the Civil War, which were felt in Marvel comics for years to come. This was an event that only Marvel could pull off, and that's why it is at the top of the list.

Honorable mentions: Marvel's "Infinity War", DC's "Blackest Night", and Marvel's "Original Sin", all of which are excellent story arcs, but just didn't match up in the criteria I listed. For example, "Infinity War" certainly left on mark on the Marvel universe, but it was about as user-friendly as "Crisis on Infinite Earths", but with less of an impact and with a less engaging writing style.

Did you think something should be listed that wasn't? Want to put me in my place about my opinions? Please leave a comment and I will try to address it in a timely manner.


The Bored Enthusiast

                                                                         All images above belong to their respective owners, not me

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