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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Comic Book Review: Project Superpowers Chapter 1

The image above belongs to its respective owner, not me

Hello Enthusiasts,

Today I will be reviewing the first chapter of limited comic book series by Dynamite, Project Superpowers, which includes issues #0-7. Since this isn't tied with Marvel or DC I feel like giving any information is kind of a spoiler, so there will definitely be Spoilers Below.

So this universe takes place in a world where most of the world's superheroes disappeared not long after the end of the WWII, though nobody really knows why. Nobody, that is, except for the one who got rid of most of the heroes. EARLY PLOT TWIST, it was one of their own, Bruce Carter III (called the Fighting Yank), who was under the impression that trapping them all in Pandora's box (urn) would eliminate all of the world's evil. He was told this by the ghost of his ancestor, Bruce Carter the first, who fought in the War for American Independence. As it turns out, that did not stop all of the evil in the world, and the Fighting Yank is tasked in his old age with setting all of his old comrades free so they can help the world again. He encouraged to do so by an entity that is draped in an American Flag. However, when the urn is broken it releases the other heroes in various locations around the globe. And so begins the quest to reunite the heroes and have them fight the evil of the world whole getting used to the new world they are in.

I don't want to give away too much more of the story, so I'll stop there, but it stays interesting throughout. Really, the story has excellent pacing and always seems to balance out action and dialogue. The heroes are all unique and interesting in their own ways, though some get more spotlight than others, of course. There are a lot of great ideas in this story as well, like keeping new soldiers from being deployed to way by making Frankenstein monsters out of the ones that are already dead. There are so many cool things to discuss from this book, but I don't want to give it all away.

One other huge positive for the book is the artwork, which is just phenomenal. It's crisp, it conveys exactly what it's trying to, and there is obvious motion within these pages. Seriously, from the character designs to the fight scenes, even the settings, everything is given such life with the artwork, I wish more comics looked this good.

Now I do have one big issue with this book. I knew I would be going into this with no knowledge of these heroes, that was fine with me.  What's disappointing is I don't really get a breakdown of each heroes abilities or anything, not even in the form of bios for each of them at the end of the book. We do get some very short insight on each of them in the form of a caption next to their picture, with the captions written by the Fighting Yank, but I still felt like I was in the dark. So Devil can throw some sharp boomerangs, is that it? Does he have super strength, durability, agility, the power of flight, anything? I don't know, because he's only shown a couple of times (despite being on the cover) and most of those times he isn't fighting (or talking, for that matter). I just like to feel like I'm up to speed with these things as I read through. I hope that more is explained with each character when I get into chapter two.

Overall, the first chapter of this series is a great read. I enjoyed this book a lot and I wish I had picked it up sooner. It's refreshing to get introduced to a new world with so much depth to it, and I am really looking forward to getting chapter 2. If you like superhero comics and you're okay with venturing into the unknown, pick this up, it'll be worth your time and money.

I give chapter 1 of Project Superpowers a 8.5 out of 10.


The Bored Enthusiast

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