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Friday, November 18, 2016

Game Review: Mario Kart 8

                                                        The image above belongs to its respective owner, not me
Hello Enthusiasts,

Today's review is going to be on the Wii U exclusive, Mario Kart 8.

Mario Kart 8 improved on previous installments in the series in a lot of ways, while keeping the same feel to the mechanics. There are sections that take place under water, in the air, and inverted gravity. New items have also been introduced, such as the the Crazy 8 and the Super Horn. There are, of course, new tracks to race on, but there are also a lot of older tracks brought back for this game, though altered to cater to the new style of play. While everyone has their favorite track, there aren't any that I would turn down playing, every one of them is fun in its own way. There's also the fun little addition of being able to race as your Mii instead of one of the established characters

In terms of the mechanics, most of them are the same as in previous installments. Racing through the course, braking to drift around corners, which can give you a boost, and using items to either help yourself or hinder others. The games have always been pretty simple and straight forward, but there is such an addictive charm to them. I have gone to play this game for a race or two and found myself still playing a few hours later, it just doesn't let you put it down.

The online play for this game is a lot of fun as well. There's a decent voting system in place for which track will be chosen, and the game never feels unfair. Even the best player who knows the track inside and out can have a run of bad luck with other player's items and lose the race. The online play runs very well, I haven't seen any kind of drop in frame rate during a race. Also, online play can really be for anyone with internet, as Nintendo still doesn't make players subscribe to have that ability like XBOX and PlayStation do.

Really, the only downside I can think of would be for players who are really looking for a challenge. Even at the highest difficulty, it's not terribly difficult to win every cup in the game. So if you're looking for a game with the difficulty on Bloodborne, you would need to look elsewhere. However, Nintendo didn't fail here, as I doubt difficulty was ever the intention.

This is arguably the best Mario Kart game to-date, though I know others who would argue in favor of the Gamecube's "Double Dash". Young or old, I would recommend that every gamer give this one a try. Even if you don't think it'll be your thing, you may be pleasantly surprised.

I give Mario Kart 8 a 9 out of 10.


The Bored Enthusiast 

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