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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Retro Game Review: Crash Bandicoot - Warped

                                                           The image above belongs to its respective owner, not me

Hello Enthusiasts,

Today I will be reviewing the PS1 title Crash Bandicoot  - Warped, the third game in the series. Now, one may wonder why I jump immediately to the 3rd game in the series rather than working through the first two. Rest assured, you won't need to play the other two games if you play this one, as the third game in the franchise is the best one without question.

For anyone who is unfamiliar with Crash Bandicoot, he is a pretty wacky Bandicoot, who is tasked with defeating the evil Dr. Cortex, who has, of course, set out to control the world. Crash is aided by a magical mask named Aku Aku and his sister Coco Bandicoot. Crash has a variety of moves, with his most recognizable being a spin attack that is reminiscent of the Tasmanian Devil from Loony Toons. In this game, Dr. Cortex has his own mask to help him take over the world, although partway through the game it seems that Dr. Cortex is kind of sick of having that mask, as it ends up using him.

So, why is this game better than previous installments? Well, for starters, the levels are pretty dynamic, and there are a lot of them. They start out easy enough, getting the player comfortable with the controls, and get more difficult from there. The boss battles are also entertaining, with a good variety of bosses to take down. Each boss ensures that you are familiar with everything at your disposal, including the abilities you had unlocked when you beat the previous boss.

Speaking of his special abilities, there are some cool ones in the game, such as a much longer spin attack that allows players to glide for a short distance, a rocket-launcher that fires apples, and a sprint that allows players to get the time trials completed. These are not only helpful (and sometimes needed) to complete later levels, but they allow players to 100% complete the earlier levels as well. That's beside the point that they are fun to use, and make the game more enjoyable as the player gets through it.

This game has one downside, and it is the driving, Any level that requires a vehicle to be driven (outside of a Tiger) is annoying, mostly because vehicles like the jet ski is far too difficult to control. The levels are still nice and the enemies can still be creative, but the difficulty spike is apparent. There isn't any way to skip these levels, though you can put them off as the last level to complete in a section, so you will need to get through a handful of them to beat the game.

Overall, I like this one a lot. I played this game frequently on my PlayStation, and I downloaded the digital version on my PS3 as well, and the title still holds up. If you're partial to 3-D platform games, don't pass this one up, it's a classic.

I give Crash Bandicoot - Warped an 8 out of 10.


The Bored Enthusiast

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