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Monday, April 8, 2019

Game Review: Dragon Ball Fighterz

Hello Enthusiasts,

Confession time: I am not very good at fighting games. This has always been the case for me, despite any practice I put in. I really enjoyed the Injustice games, and I put a lot of hours into them, but I was still losing nearly every fight when I would go head-to-head with another player. Up until now, there has only been one exception to that with the Super Smash Brothers games, but that changed fairly recently with Dragon Ball Fighterz. Does that make it a good game? I'll review the title below, but don't worry about spoilers, I promise I won't spoil anything big about this game.

This game's setup is similar to the setup of the Marvel Vs. Capcom series in that you have three fighters to use, though you can only fight with one at a time. This means that you will strategically call back and put out fighters as they're needed. The fight controls are pretty basic: There's a light attack, medium attack, smash attack, and Ki attack. There's also the ability to fly at the enemy, which can help close distance, there's a rush attack that can break guards, and there are, of course, special attacks. You can call in your other fighters for a short assist without actually changing them out, but that does put them in harm's way for a moment.

So those are the basics, but what works in this game? To start, the basic combos are very simple to pull off, even for me, so it can be easy to look good while you play this game and really rack up some damage on the enemy. I also love that the longer a combo goes, the less damage each consecutive hit will cause, which means that getting caught in a good player's combo doesn't mean the end for that fighter (most of the time). On the most basic level though, the fighting is just fun. It's designed in a way that can really get the adrenaline going, and these matches can often come down to who can land the final hit on either side. The art is perfect for this game, some of the dialogue and cutscenes are fun, and each fighter really does have their own play styles (though some vary more than others).

Now it may sound like the perfect fighting game, but not every aspect of the game is a hit. First of all, the story mode is a mess. It's not very intriguing, it doesn't actually let you play as all of the characters that the game has, and it takes a while to get through. On top of all of that, you have to go through all three of the story arcs in order to unlock one of the new fighter, Android 21, unless you're willing to just pay for her. The other issue has to due with the character's included in the game. Now don't get me wrong, they did include a good number of characters, but some of their choices seem a little strange. Not including any DLC characters, there are two different versions of Gohan and Vegeta, and three different versions of Goku (if you include Goku Black). When you take into account the possible DLC that can be bought, both Goku and Vegeta have any additional version of themselves, plus you can buy Vegito, and the Dragon Ball GT version of Goku is being released soon. This wouldn't bother me so much, but they have all of these versions of characters while they leave out so many others. Even taking into account the DLC characters, we can't play as Raditz, Kefla, Auta Magetta, Master Roshi, Turles, Janemba, Lord Slug, Android 19, or countless others. I know a lot of those are minor characters, but it's still strange to have so many versions of Goku when you're leaving out other potential fighters. Now, more of these characters could become playable in the future with additional DLC, but it is an issue I have with the game right now.

It may seem like I had a lot more negative things to say than positives, but I do enjoy this game every time I play it. It has room for improvement, but I consider it to be one of the best fighting games out there, especially for a player like me. If you enjoy fighting games or the Dragon Ball franchise, this is a definite recommend from me.

I give Dragon Ball Fighterz an 8 out of 10.


The Bored Enthusiast

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