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Friday, December 23, 2016

Comic Book Review: Kingdom Come

       The image above belongs to its respective owner, not me

Hello Enthusiasts,

Today I will be reviewing the DC graphic novel, Kingdom Come. I will work to avoid it, but as usual, there may be some Mild Spoilers Below.

This story takes place several years in the future. This means that just about all of the traditional heroes have been retired for some time now. Superman is a farmer in Kansas, Batman has an army of bat-robots to control crime, and Billy Baxton is now a full grown adult with a full time Luther's assistant. A new wave of super-powered beings has rolled in, and they leave something to be desired, as all they do is pick fights with each other for no reason. Faith in heroes, and humanity, has been lost as a result. There is, of course, an evil plan by Lex Luther to destroy the remaining old heroes once they decide to come out of hiding to clean up the place.

So this story works in a few places. The dialogue between characters is great, with humor in even more serious areas. The plot for the story wasn't bad, certainly unique, even if it did leave something to be desired. The choices of the heroes are admirable of course, helping humanity instead of taking their well-deserved retirement. The story also really captures how they changw with age, and it's always believable to their characters. It's all very creative and well thought out, but it's not all perfect.

Now even though this one does it well, I'm still not a fan of the attempt of realism in the art of comics. It always feels more like I'm watching a slideshow than a movie, and it comes a bit short here for me, especially when think of aomw of DC's big events.

Overall, this is a really well thought out event, and kept me interested. My review here is a little short to keep from giving out full spoilers, as things happen pretty fast, but I definitely suggest giving this one a read.

I give DC's Kingdom Come a 7.5 out of 10.


The Bored Enthusiast

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