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Thursday, December 8, 2016

5 Completed Shows to Watch

Hello Enthusiasts,

As a follow up to my post about 5 current shows to watch (, I decided to also have a post about 5 shows to watch that have already run their course. The shows on this list aren't going to be the huge success shows everyone knows about (Breaking Bad would be on the list if I was including those), and I'll include shows that I personally don't think had a bad season during their run.

1. Eureka

This show was on for five seasons, from 2006 to 2012. It follows a U.S. Marshall, Carter, and his daughter, Zoe Carter, as they stumble upon a government funded town of absolute geniuses. This town, called Eureka, is both a paradise as well as a nightmare, as all of these great minds have been able to create so many wonderful things, which often backfire with disasterous effects. In order to keep everything in check, they have Carter become the sheriff of the town. It's a lot of fun, has some cool story arcs, and I suggest giving it a watch (even though Netflix only has season 5).

2. Firefly

This one has gotten big since it was cancelled, but not to the point of some shows. Firefly takes place in a future where humans have conquered and terraformed a number of planets across the universe. Many of these planets are watched over by the Alliance, but a lot of the outer planets are less supervised and become a bit more lawless. This leads to the show being something of a space-western, which I can say is a less-explored genre. The show is clever and a lot of fun, but due to a lack of ratings, it was cut during its first season. Since then a movie has been released, Serenity, which wraps up a couple of things, but I definitely recommend this as a show to watch.

3. Parks and Recreation

I know I'm in the minority, but I was never really a fan of The Office, something about the show just never resonated with me. What's baffling is that the same writers used the same format for this show as they did The Office, but I loved Parks and Recreation. This show ran for seven seasons, and was funny all the way through. It follows an aspiring and energetic government employee, Leslie Knope, as she works to improve her town (Pawnee, IN), as well as achieve her goals of furthering her polical career. It is a political satire of a lot of aspects of government and the extremes of each party, so go into this one with the mindset of not taking it all too seriously. The show has a couple of big names in it, like Rob Lowe and Nick Offerman. This show was also a real launching point for the now big-name actor, Chris Pratt. Even if you don't generally like this type of show, give it a watch, you may be surprised.

4. Hannibal

This one ran for three seasons, from 2013-2016. It follows a young investigator, Will, and his relationship with his some-day enemy, Hannibal Lector, who is a psychiatrist helping Will with his psychological issues. The show is really suspenseful and tense. The characters develop a lot over the course of the show, and it all ends on a high note. It's a great watch, especially for anyone who was already a fan of Hannibal as a character. Definitely one to watch, as long as you have the stomach for a bit of gore.

5. Galavant

Finally, we have Galavant. This show ran for two seasons on ABC and was cancelled in early 2016. The show was a musical comedy that was actually handled really well. It followed our main character, Galavant, as he is pulled out of a drunken state of existance to become a true hero once more. The show received mixed reviews, which was a contributing factor to it being cut, but it's still a fun watch overall.

So those are my top five shows to watch that have already ended. Do you have any shows you would recommend? Do you disagree with anything I listed? Put your thoughts in the comments below!


The Bored Enthusiast

The images above belong to their respective owners, not me

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