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Monday, December 5, 2016

Game Review: Octodad - Dadliest Catch

                                                  The image above belongs to its respective owner, not me

Hello Enthusiasts,

Today I will be reviewing Octodad: Dadliest Catch, released in 2014.

This is a squeal to the 2010 game Octodad, and it continues with the same theme, but improves upon a lot. You play as an octopus, posing as a human. You have a wife and two children (no, I don't know how) that are oblivious to the fact that you are not human, and you are just trying to live a happy life in your suburban setting. The player goes through the game, trying to seem normal, all while a chef/their neighbor that knows he's an octopus is out to kill Octodad. The Chef is actually pretty intense when compared to the rest of the game. It's a crazy set up for a game, but it actually works.

This game is pretty enjoyable and straight forward most of the time. You control the octopus' arms and legs individually and have to work to walk around and maneuver through obstacles. The game is all about comedy, between the dialogue, the story itself, and the mishaps caused by just trying to move around. There are also a lot of less obvious jokes too, like a sign in the grocery store that says, "half off/half on sale", implying that there is no actual sale.

There is also hear a lot of great background dialogue from other characters, and sometimes Octodad will respond. Things like the guy in the grocery store not realizing that the mike is still on for the PA when he starts to talk about where the meat really comes from are great to listen for. I also love how everyone inexplicably understands Octodad despite the fact that he speaks in blubs, it's like the ongoing joke in King of the Hill where everyone can understand Boomhower, despite the fact that he speaks total mumbling gibberish. The subtitles for Octodad are great, because they don't translate, but they will say things like "frustrated blubing", just to give a general direction of dialogue from him.

For how fun this game is though, it is far too short. I started and ended this game in a single afternoon (though still haven't found all of the collectible neck ties). There are really only five locations in the game, though the last one is broken up into several sections. On top of how few areas there are, most of the areas are pretty confined as well, outside on that last area I mentioned. This limits down the amount of space to explore as an octopus flopping around. While that helps in finding the ties, I did feel a bit too confined as I played through the levels like the house.

Overall, this game is a lot of fun, but is too short for me. I hope that there's a third game in this series, and I hope we see it last at least twice as long. Still though, if you have a PS4 and you're looking for something different to play, I say download this one. It'll help pass the afternoon at least.

I give Octodad: Dadliest Catch a 7 out of 10.


The Bored Enthusiast

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