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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Game Review: Ratchet and Clank

          The image above belongs to its respective owner, not me

Hello Enthusiasts,

Today I will be reviewing the early 2016 reboot of Ratchet and Clank.

This game is a recreation of the original game with the same title. It follows Ratchet, a Lombax that dreams of becoming a Galactic Ranger (but is denied due to his criminal past), and Clank, a defective Warbot who escapes destruction. These two meet up and begin a 3-D platforming/shooting adventure to save the galaxy. The story is told from the perspective of Captain Qwark, the recently imprisoned leader of the Galactic Rangers.

The game keeps true to its roots while adding a lot to keep everything fresh. There are a dizzying amount of weapons and gadgets, and you will find yourself visiting the same planets a few times in order to collect everything and fully upgrade your arsenal. The game has added in a few flying missions to help change things up a bit, which does add some nice variety. There is, of course, a major graphics upgrade since the original game was released that this one is rebooting, but the graphics look noticeable better from just the most recent game before it. The story is a bit deeper now, and many of the jokes land like thry always have.

Where the game really shines though is in the combat. The enemies are somewhat diverse, thoough not to the level you might see in other games, but there are so many ways to take them out. From a standard melee attack to deploying a killer robot named Mr. Zurkon (and just about everything in between), there is no lack of diversity when it comes to Ratchet's tools of the trade. As each weapon is used it also gets stronger, even without specifically upgrading it. The game does stress using everything at your disposal as well, as there just isn't enough ammo to stick to the same gun or two.

The only big negative for me is the lack of a co-op mode, as this game could really benefit from it. If a few things were altered so Clank could be his own character, it would make the game even more fun. We got to see a multiplayer more in one of the more recent Ratchet and Clank games, All 4 One, but no such luck here. It's just one of those games I would have loved to play while sitting next to a friend.

Overall, this game is great. It's a ton of fun, one of the best PS4 exclusives this year. If you don't have it yet, I would go get it and get sucked in to the vast world. Even if you're not very familiar with the franchise, you don't need to be to enjoy this one.

I give the 2016 reboot of Ratchet and Clank a 9 out of 10.


The Bored Enthusiast

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